I’m honored that you’re here.

Greetings to you, wherever you are as you read this, with whatever has happened in your day that has led you here. Thank you.

I was called to be a figure of support early on in life, and have been in service to others as long as I was old enough to work in this field. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and I earned my Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology in 2014.

I am a neurodivergent, lived experience practitioner, who has sought my own therapeutic and coaching support for mental health care. I have experienced my own losses and endured my own struggles. Creativity has been the lifeboat that has carried me through my own grief, and I work in the space where community care and craft overlap.

I am a major proponent for bearing witness for that which cannot be fixed. Yes, some of the issues you face may have solutions, and I am happy to roll up my sleeves with you. At the same time, know that I am the kind of carer who will be able to hold space for you when solutions are not possible. Specifically in grief counseling, I operate within a framework that moves beyond “the five stages”, supports continuing bonds and accepts the fact that grief is lifelong though it may change its shape over time.

Your life is your own personal masterpiece, yes. No, you are not doing it wrong. No, your feelings are not a problem to be corrected. I believe in non-hierarchical care, which means that, my schooling and my years in practice aside, I do not see myself as “the expert” and will work with you more as a peer, a fellow traveler. My 1:1 work is not formulaic, and so we can craft something that reflects you personally. My hope is that your whole self feels welcome to show up, which includes exploring your joys, sparks of interest, your exiled parts, and your dreams as much as your obstacles.

Want to collaborate? Let me know.












Cultivation ✷ Liberation ✷ Connection ✷ Community ✷ Collaboration ✷ Feeling ✷ Curiosity ✷ Intuition ✷ Play ✷ Creativity ✷ Embodiment ✷

I’m here to support you

➳ to honor your grief

➳ to clarify your needs, goals, and dreams

➳ to center joy, connection, and agency

➳ to tend to your wounds with care and compassion

➳ to activate creativity and devotion to practice

➳ to develop a deeper understanding and relationship with yourself

➳ to feel your feelings and listen to their teachings

➳ to nurture relationships and vulnerability with others

➳ to make meaning

➳ to tell the story of your life and allow yourself to be witnessed

My teachers

Mary Oliver. J.R.R. Tolkien. adrienne maree brown. Alua Arthur. Audre Lorde. Irvin Yalom. Stephen Jenkinson. James Baldwin. Ram Dass. Mark Aguhar. bell hooks. Gabor Maté. Pema Chödrön. Francis Weller. Joan Halifax. Caitlin Doughty. Jenny Odell. Megan Devine. Viktor Frankl. Erich Fromm. Shaun McNiff.

Work with me

  • I am currently providing in-person services in Olympia and telehealth services throughout the state of Washington through Living Sound Therapeutic Services.

    To learn more about Living Sound, click here.